Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Iron and Indigo 2

A large piece of probably cotton from the G to G Sale this spring, ripped into equal squares and 3 long pieces, bound with elastics and Indigo dyed.

Should have washed it more, to get out chemicals, not as dark as I hoped for.  Elastics are great for resist dyeing, they actually absorb the indigo dye.  Need to be cut off.

 Two of the squares.  a tool free from a garage sale and square nails from my 1904 house.

These are some of my favorite found, rusted objects, washers,

Most of the quilt lined up on my deck,  I want to wash them all one more time and then I need to learn to use the sewing machine I have owned for 20 years and never used.
Rail road ties are great found objects, they are fairly common along tracks, but they don't lie flat so the rust isn't picked up by the cloth in such a way as to be recognizable.

I am working on that.

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