Friday, January 13, 2012

Worlds' best social Site

It's not just me that thinks Raverly is world's best, here are some hotlinks about it.  I am doing an informal presentation tomorrow to my guild
The opposite of unravel, to make with fibre.

well everybody who has sheep, alpacas, everybody who spins, dye or weaves,  everybody who knits, crochets, tats, everyone who is interested in textile history.

we fibre artists are a polite bunch
one great site about another Wikipedia which is also largely created by it's users

Famous knitters lurk on it, and a writers of good murders mysteries, like Pat Macintosh.
One for quilters nowhere near as good, there is nothing else like it.

Be afraid, be very afraid, it is addictive and cuts into knitting time.

While I am putting up good sites, the Alberta Weavers, Spinners and Dyers conference is in May and some of the details are, not many,  on the site.  If enough people are interested and register I will be teaching a course about entrelac, a very handy method of knitting for handspinners.