I am delighted to say that I am teaching at Olds Fibre Week, the summer camp for grownups, a 8 day long celebration of all things fibre. Rock bottom beginners can take my one day course on Friday June 24, here's the description that will be in their brochure and on the website, which will be out in January sometime, with registration probably starting early in March.
Learn to knit, cast on, the knit stitch, the purl stitch, casting off, creating flat material and knitting in the round, using the Continental or pic method with circular needles. For spinners who need to use their yarn, for weavers who want to create with a tool smaller and more portable than a loom. Make simple fingerless gloves.
It will be similar to the class I have taught at the Calgary Public Library but longer and more intensive, 7 hours instead of 5 1/2 but one day rather than 3 evenings, more time to learn and less time to practise. It would be good for people who already knit using the English or throw method too.
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Olds is an agricultural college, in the small town of Olds (surprise, surprise) Fibre Week is when the gardens are at their best. Participants can stay quite cheaply in the student accommodation, book early for a townhouse, or at hotels. For just one day you could drive from Calgary and back, but you'd miss a lot of activities.